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Create an account and get a free photography course. Learn the basics of photography in less that 30 minutes with our fast online class for beginners.
iPhotography’s free 60 Second Photographer course for beginners is the fastest and easiest way to learn the essentials of digital photography.
Create a free course account and you’ll get instant access to 30 short photography classes.
Each class is quick with simple, actionable steps that will instantly improve your photos.
You’ll learn the key principles of photography and perfect camera settings, along with quick tricks and techniques you can use right now to improve every photo you take.
iPhotography’s free 60 Second Photographer course for beginners is the fastest and easiest way to learn the essentials of digital photography.
Create a free course account and you’ll get instant access to thirty 60-second (or less) photography classes.
Each class is short and sharp with simple, actionable steps that will instantly improve your photos.
You’ll learn the key principles of photography and perfect camera settings, along with quick tricks and techniques you can use right now to improve every photo you take.
Hover over the photos below to discover some of the topics covered in the free photography course.
And so much more – all delivered in classes around 60 seconds long by a professional instructor.
This iPhotography course is fully backed and certified from our training verification service CPD.
You can rest assured that you’re getting the best online training which is held to the highest standards from an independent service.
All iPhotography courses come with a free downloadable CPD verified certificate. Selected courses allow you to upgrade to a premium hard copy delivered to your door with free worldwide P&P.
This iPhotography course is fully backed and certified from our training verification service CPD.
You can rest assured that you’re getting the best online training which is held to the highest standards from an independent service.
All iPhotography courses come with a free downloadable CPD verified certificate. Selected courses allow you to upgrade to a premium hard copy delivered to your door with free worldwide P&P.
Click the tabs below for an overview of what you’ll discover during this free photography course:
In Module Two, you can watch and follow along with Emily on location as she guides you step by step through the practical aspects of astrophotography.
You’ll discover…
Stephen brings many years of photographic experience with him to his role as educator and course creator.
After leaving art school he went straight into studio photography working alongside Photo Corp UK, before running one of the UK’s most successful high-end portrait studios with Venture Studios for over a decade.
He’s teamed up with iPhotography and helping to students learn how to master their camera and capture the shots they’ve been dreaming of for years. And now it’s your turn!
You’ll unlock four fantastic bonuses if you’d prefer one of our full-length Photography for Beginners course
Packed with PDF sheets, lighting diagrams, ebooks and posing guides our download library has lots of resources.
We've got a free photo editor built in to our site. Learn to tweak your photos without spending money on software.
Get access to our private feedback gallery. Upload your photos and get ratings from course students and tutors.
Separate to your courses videos our media library has hundreds of other training tutorials waiting for you.
Join thousands of aspiring photographers who have rapidly enhanced their knowledge, confidence, and their photos with this free photography course. Hit the button below for instant access.
Yes! We think you’ll be amazed at what you’re about to learn in such short classes.
If you’re not convinced, then consider what percentage of typical photography tutorials is actual ‘teaching’?
Often, much time is lost through instructor intros, long-winded explanations, unnecessary detail, product pitching, and adverts.
With the 60-Second Photographer each class delivers 100% content. No fluff. No filler. And no ads!
It’s for you! If you’re a complete beginner to photography and want to learn quickly and become better without having to watch hours of video or wade through dozens of pages!
The 60-Second Photographer simplifies the key principles of photography – FAST!
Even if you have some knowledge of photography already, then this course will give you a quick and easy refresher along with some extra tips & techniques.
If you’re more experienced or keen to learn more, then take a look at our range of longer, in-depth, tutor-supported online photography courses here.
All of our online courses come with certificates of achievement and lifetime access.
iPhotography has been delivering online courses for over a decade to over 110,000 beginner and amateur photographers.
During this time, we’ve come to realise that there are a lot of people who love photography but don’t have the time in their busy lives to commit to extensive photography training courses.
And while there’s plenty of free photography classes online (YouTube, etc) – a lot of it is disjointed, incomplete and unhelpful to the beginner who doesn’t have $10,000 worth of kit and isn’t looking to become the next Ansel Adams or Anne Geddes!
We believe the 60-Second Photographer is the best free photography course because it breaks down the key principles of photography into bite-sized chunks that are super simple to understand and apply immediately.
Start with whatever camera you currently own.
Becoming a better photographer is ALL about having the right knowledge and then knowing how and when to apply it. It is definitely NOT about having better kit!
If you don’t own a standalone camera, then use your smartphone. The principles you will learn will improve your shots regardless.
But, if you’ve got a Bridge, Mirrorless or DSLR camera then this free online photography course will help you to understand it better.
Here is an overview of each class within this free online photography course:
1: Camera Terms | 16: Aspect Ratios |
2: How an Aperture Works | 17: How to Do Panning |
3: How Depth of Field Works | 18: Male Poses |
4: Shutter Speed | 19: Improving Sharpness |
5: The Reciprocal Rule | 20: Cleaning a Sensor |
6: Exposure Metering Modes | 21: How to Do Ghosting |
7: ISO | 22: Female Poses |
8: The Best Focus Mode to Use | 23: Packing a Camera Bag |
9: How to Space out Landscapes (Rule of Thirds) | 24: Forced Perspective |
10: Leading Lines | 25: Lighting Techniques: Part 1 |
11: A Guide to Focal Length | 26: Lighting Techniques: Part 2 |
12: When to Use Colour vs B&W | 27: RAW & JPG |
13: Posture & Balancing Tips | 28: 4 Apps for Mobile Editing |
14: Family Posing Shapes | 29: How to Get Through Creative Blocks |
15: The Golden Hour | 30: Optimising Your Images |
Sign up for free here and you’ll be welcomed into the friendly and supportive iPhotography community where you’ll have instant, lifetime access to our learning platform.
Each lesson is approximately 60 seconds long. You can choose to watch the whole course instantly, or spread it out over a weekend. It’s your call!
The 60-Second Photographer is the best way to learn photography for free.
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