“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin
I could spend 1,000 years searching, but still never find a better opening line to this article than Benjamin Franklin’s. This quote is at the heart of everything iPhotography stands for – giving everyone the tools to participate and discover.
With that thought in mind, today we wanted to show something that is often overlooked in the pursuit for success. Going backwards to go forwards may seem counterproductive but statistics show, students who refresh their learning will fast track to their goals quicker than traditional teaching.
iPhotography PLUS is our premium membership platform which offers a training path for photographers looking to enhance their learning. Through our innovative and interactive SkillTrack photography training videos we go back to basics.
We teach students all aspects of photography from camera bodies and lenses through to the exposure triangle and so much more.
Returning to the early days when you started learning about photography should never be seen as a negative. There is a lot that you may have remembered, but just as much that you have forgot. Refreshing your knowledge will reinforce your memory and create an appetite for learning more.
It’s easy when the camera is doing all the hard work for you, but a good photographer should know this scale off by heart.
Refresher training is proven to increase to build a stronger, longer term memory. The more often you review information the quicker you can access those cerebral data banks. This will save time out in the field, stops you having to refer to other resources and makes you look more professional when asked for advice.
Given that the foundations of photography are based on opportunity, then the ability to cut down on errors and improve your success rate is something all photographers clamour for.
Renewing your knowledge and solidifying your confidence in areas such as, the inverse square law and depth of field for example, can help you capture a well exposed image first time round.
It will again save you time and make you more productive. No more will you have to sit in front of your computer sorting the good shots from the bad. You’ll be fast-tracking your editing time by getting to the best pictures immediately. It will give you time back to spend with family or friends.
Elements such as aperture or ISO are never going to change in terms of their basic function. Therefore, how can refresher training keep you up to date with photography if it’s not changing? Well the basics of photography may not, but you are always moving forward.
As life moves on your interests in photography can/will change. You may start off in your younger years loving capturing the energy of street photography. But as time goes by your outlook may shift to photographing still life or macros. Street photography and macros require a completely different set of skills – and you’ll need to learn them.
Retraining your mind to look at light differently is vital in this situation. You wouldn’t use the same type of lighting for gritty streets shots as you would delicate flowers. Keep yourself up to date with the best training for your given interests.
Many of our iPhotography members have expressed the desire to one day turn professional, or at least make some money out their hard work. This is another reason why you should join iPhotography PLUS and get the benefits of these refresher lessons.
As soon as you start charging for your photography services your customers will expect you to be the fountain of knowledge when it comes to your speciality. But as anyone who’s worked in retail before will know – customers always want more as well!
Being flexible in your photography can help you access new projects, more clients and bigger paydays.
Even though you may start off with the intention of being a fashion photographer, but if someone asked you to take photos of their garden for £200 would you turn it down?
Ever heard the phrase ‘I’ve forgotten more than I’ve remembered?’ No? Maybe you forgot it?!
Joking aside, there is bound to be holes in your understanding of photography that you once knew, but over time forget as it just wasn’t relevant then – but it may be now.
Little things such as the reciprocal rule, how to pan motion shots, portrait lighting setups. They may just be small tricks or notions of photography, but they could be handy. It’s important not to get complacent and believe you know everything there is to know. Even Ansel Adams never claimed to master photography, though many people said he was the most skilled shooter of our time.
Therefore, the iPhotography PLUS SkillTrack video training lessons go back to the start of any photography book and visually demonstrate how to operate your camera, what all the buttons do and when to use them. You’ll also discover clearer lessons about focal length, depth of field and so much more.
Now you are filled the facts and you know the outcome then what is stopping you becoming a better photographer? Nothing.
Joining iPhotography PLUS will give you instant access to innovative and interactive training videos. Start from the beginning and learn about your camera, find out what all those buttons and settings do.
When you are ready move on to the wider world and refresher your knowledge about aperture, shutter speed, composition and so much more. There is a new training video released every month building your photography knowledge.
Find out more about iPhotography PLUS and discover all the other incredible features and resources you’ll get your hands on as soon as you join this amazing platform for aspiring photographers.
Stephen brings many years of photographic experience with him to his role as content and course creator. After leaving art school he went straight into studio photography working alongside Photo Corp UK, before running one of the UK’s most successful high-end portrait studios with Venture Studios for over a decade.
His personal work which stretches from portraits to landscapes, and other niches in between could be described as atmospheric and low key – sounds moody, but he’s not really! He’s previously had work published by Adobe Photoshop on top of many industry awards for his portrait photography.
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