Are you looking for a free online photography course to start today? Then we’ve got the perfect one.
The 60 Second Photographer Course created by iPhotography is designed to be the most time saving, simple and educational free online photography course available.
By giving up 30 minutes of your day, you’ll understand the meanings behind so many photography terms and techniques. Bundle that time all together and it means you can learn tonnes about photography in only half an hour.
30 minutes to learn photography? Incredible!
Yes indeed, our free online photography course will give you the important foundational knowledge to get you ready for the next step of turning those snapshots into artistic photos.
You may be thinking ‘I can’t learn everything in 30 minutes?’.
Possibly not as photography is a growing hobby and someone is always doing something new and ground-breaking. But what this free online photography course can do is get you further up the learning curve than others who don’t know where to start.
Don’t waste time spending hours watching YouTube videos and not knowing whether they’ve got the answer to your questions. If you want to know the basics of photography, then we’ve definitely got answers.
With iPhotography’s free online photography course you’ll get access to a new lesson every day as part of our 60 Second Photographer program – and what’s even better, each lesson is around than 60 seconds long. This means you can complete a class while eating your breakfast, on the bus, walking the dog, or just before bed.
Watch all of our lessons on your phone, there’s no need to be stuck at a desk with this free online photography course. It’s quick, lightweight, simple and to the point – what more could you want?
We’ve broken down the essentials for new photographers to learn quickly and easily – no long winded introductions just straight to the point with the answers to the most popular photography questions.
The benefit of this free online photography course is that it’s all in one place. You won’t need to spend ages flicking through videos trying to find what you need to know. Every day you’ll be able to access the next video in a structured class to make sure everything you learn is built on previous knowledge.
What’s NOT in the course would be quicker!
We’ve packed bucket loads of tips and tricks in each of our lessons. This free online photography course by iPhotography has been designed for brand new photographers to get a bite-sized version of our larger online photography classes.
What’s even better, you don’t need any prior photography experience to start this free online course. All you need is a passion to learn and a camera – but anyone will do! Whether you’ve got an iPhone or a great DSLR camera you can take this course and learn something over the next 30 minutes.
Here’s a list of the lessons our Free Online Photography Course will cover;
1. Top camera terms you need to know
2. How does aperture work and what’s a F/Stop?
3. What is shutter speed?
4. What’s an exposure metering mode?
5. ISO, and how does it work?
6. How depth of field works
7. What are Autofocus modes?
8. The Rule of Thirds explained
9. What’s a leading line?
10. Choosing the right focal length for my photo
11. Colour vs B&W – when should I use them?
12. What’s the reciprocal rule?
13. How to pose men
14. Posture & balancing tips for photographers
15. What are Family posing shapes?
16. What is the Golden Hour?
17. 3:2 v 16:9 – What’s the difference with image ratios?
18. How to take action shots with panning
19. How to pose women
20. Tips to make your photos sharper
21. How to clean a digital camera sensor
22. How to do Ghosting effects
23. What do I need in my camera bag?
24. What is Forced perspective – and how do I shoot it?
25. Portrait lighting Tips (Part 1) Broad, Narrow & Split
26. Portrait lighting Tips (Part 2) Rembrandt, Butterfly & Silhouette
27. The difference between RAW & JPEG
28. Our favourite apps for mobile editing
29. How to get through creative blocks
30. How to optimise your images for sharing online
See we told you this free online photography course was going to be amazing – do you believe us now?!
All you need to do is create yourself a free online account on iPhotography.
It’s quick and simple and requires no credit or debit card details. Once you’re registered you’ll have access to our free online photography course – there’s already a lesson waiting for you. Every day a new lesson will be unlocked for you to watch. You’ll need to log in every day to catch the next lesson. You can rewatch previous videos – they’re only 60 seconds long at most anyway!
If you love our free online photography course it may just give you the bug to go further and build on this knowledge. You can take your learning further and deeper into photography by joining one of our bigger online photography classes if you wish – but that’s up to you.
iPhotography has a range of online photography classes covering a range of different subjects to suit everyone’s interests.
You could already be watching your first lesson in the free online photography course by now. Don’t put off what you’ve been wanting to do and learn photography the fun, quick and easy way with iPhotography.
Click here to create your free online course account and get instant access to your first day’s training video.
It’s free – what’s not to love about that?
Stephen brings many years of photographic experience with him to his role as content and course creator. After leaving art school he went straight into studio photography working alongside Photo Corp UK, before running one of the UK’s most successful high-end portrait studios with Venture Studios for over a decade.
His personal work which stretches from portraits to landscapes, and other niches in between could be described as atmospheric and low key – sounds moody, but he’s not really! He’s previously had work published by Adobe Photoshop on top of many industry awards for his portrait photography.
Learn the basics of photography – fast – with our FREE 60-Second Photographer online course.
Each class is short and sharp with simple, actionable steps that give you immediate results.
x 30 lessons
© iPhotography™
Master portrait photography with our special Valentine’s bundle and save more than ever before!