9 Features of iPhotography

With years of online training experience at iPhotography, we want to show you our 9 favourite things that iPhotography offers to photographers. This will help you to make the most of your new course membership meaning you’ll get the fullest experience of what we can offer.

But even if you aren’t a course member (yet) there are still some great features to check out!

1. Photography Media Library

The iPhotography video library is an index to many of our popular tutorials. We put our live stream videos here too so if you don’t use social media you won’t miss out.

iPhotography PLUS subscribers can watch with exclusive content in the library as part of their premium membership.

2. Become an iPhotography Affiliate

If you have a group of photography friends or just know a few folk who love taking pictures then get some rewards for recommending iPhotography. This community feature gives you the chance to get paid a commission every time someone signs up to our courses.

If you have a large social media following or photography website this is an ideal way to earn some extra income.

Note – If you are part of a larger company that would like to partner with iPhotography please contact us.

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3. Photography Blogs for Beginners

Our photography blogs are one of our proudest community features – why? Because they’re all ours (and yours) own work.

Unlike other photography online training sites and photoblog pages, we don’t copy and paste other people’s material or jump on the back of a hot trend.

Instead, we write and create articles important to the iPhotography community. Whether it’s our tutors or students (yes you can write for us) contributing we’ve got blogs and tutorials to get you through the year.

If there’s a photography topic you think we’re missing, then let us know – we’ve probably got it in the pipeline but still!

You can find it here

4. Free Online Photo Editor

Want to learn to edit photos but don’t want to pay for extra software? That’s cool, we’ve got your back. Let us introduce you to Pixlr X – an online, free to use, photo editor. It’s built right into the iPhotography website.

Pixlr X is a free online photo editor that’ll let you upload your photos, change colours, edit backgrounds, crop and tonnes of other things without paying a penny or using up your hard drive space.

Best Bits of iPhotography for Online Photography Training for Beginners by iPhotography.com

5. Weekend Challenge Photo Contest

Our weekend challenge photography contests are a weekly highlight. Every Friday we post a theme, word, phrase or idea for you to unleash your photographic skills on.

Upload your entry to the iPhotography gallery under the Weekend Challenge category tag and the tutors judge all entries and announce the winner on a Monday. It’s the jewel in our competition crown with at least 200 entries per weekend – it has even known to go over 500 before!

If you want to know what it takes to win a Weekend Challenge or get featured as our Photo of the Day then click here.

6. Photography Shop

We’ve got more than just amazing photography courses for you to enjoy – we’ve got a whole shop filled with brilliant accessories!

Whether it’s our hugely popular iPhotography Flip Cards, Challenge Boxes or Light Tents then we’ve got them all available for you to enjoy and help improve your photography.

iPhotography PLUS subscribers get exclusive access to partner discounts off a range of photography suppliers.

7. Huge Photo Download Library

Near the top of the tree in our countdown of community features we’ve got the download library. A free resource to all iPhotography members filled with infographics, PDF guides and photography e-books.

You can find it here (registered members only)

iPhotography PLUS subscribers have a special download library of their own called the KitBag with more special content.

8. Upgrade to iPhotography PLUS

We’ve mentioned it a few times now so it’s only fair you find out a little more about our exclusive membership program, iPhotography PLUS.

iPhotography PLUS isn’t like our training courses – it’s that AND more! Instead, it’s a community of aspiring photographers looking for further insights and help in their shots.

The premium membership offers more daily uploads to the gallery, regular photo feedback from pro tutors, SkillTrack™ training tutorials, video critiques and lots more features.

If you’re serious about photography and want to take it to the next level, then you should consider an iPhotography PLUS membership to go alongside your training course.

9. Photographer’s Feedback Gallery

If you’ve just joined iPhotography then this should be your first port of call, after starting the course that is!

Our online photo gallery is a photographer’s paradise. Packed with fresh photos every single day, over 2,000 per month. Upload your images as you start your photography training and continue to do so as you progress. It’s a brilliant way to look back on your work and see how much you’ve grown.

Tell us about your photo, how you created it, what inspired and such. It’s beneficial to all everyone if you can comment on other student pictures too. Tell them what you like, how it makes you feel.

The iPhotography tutors and other members may drop in and leave you feedback on your photos at times. We’ll help you where possible and praise you when appropriate and with thousands of students in our community, you’ll see why it’s a helpful feature to your photography.

Start uploading here (registered members only)

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